Matthew Billman

Matthew Billman's Portfolio.

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Welcome to Matthew Billman’s Code Portfolio!

This is a collection of my open-source code.

I make music too:

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Rust Projects

Ferris the Rustacean

A collection of rust applications I’m particularly proud of.

Machine Learning

Test-Driven Generation (tdg) (Research)

A python library for AI pair programming, centered in the principles of Test Driven Development. Developed for research purposes (whitepaper), though may eventually be fully developed as a pytest plugin (time permitting).

dspy (contributor)


DSPy is a framework designed to optimize language model (LM) prompts and weights algorithmically, particularly in complex pipelines. It simplifies the traditionally messy process of manually tweaking prompts and finetuning steps by separating program flow from parameters and introducing new optimizers.


Various adaptions of the Transformer machine learning architecture, for use in varied NLP and NLP-adjacent fields:

  • Sequence Classification
  • Sequence Generation
  • Semantic Embedding and Interpolation
  • Noun Phrase Detection
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Semantic Highlighting

  • Cross-Platform Dev Projects


    A personal mental health dashboard developed in Flutter + Dart.

    Public Health

    Camai CHC COVID Data System

    A COVID testing and patient monitoring system developed in partnership with the Camai Community Health Center, the State of Alaska, and Cue Health.

    The ibidPREP Software Suite

    An e-commerce, blog, student portal, and performance diagnostics site build for ibidPREP in Manhattan, NY.


    A test grading and report generation software that serves as the glue between ibidPrep’s many sources of data.

    Networking Utils


    Quick configuration of Traefik, Docker Compose, and FastAPI for HTTPS webapps.